Welcome to MacKays

We provide financial advice to families and business owners, and assist them in building and protecting their wealth. Our advice includes financial solutions which enable our clients to enjoy in retirement, the fruits of their hard work.

MacKays offer a comprehensive range of financial services. We provide financial advice and solutions relating to that advice.

The personalised approach of our services falls into these main categories:


This may form part or all of your retirement planning. We can help you find the right provider and type of portfolio to suit you & your objectives.


We have a mortgage broking service where we are able to deal on your behalf with most of the mortgage providers. We also have access to all the latest interest rates & special offers.

Insurance Planning

This involves recognising and controlling any exposure you have to personal or financial risk. We can help you protect your most valuable assets – life, health, income, and personal and business property.

Investment Planning

This involves looking at the possible investment options, after taking into account your investment objectives and any constraints.

Retirement Planning

Planning for a financially secure, comfortable and stimulating retirement is one of the most important and long term influential decisions people will make in their lifetime.

Proud members of PlusFour

PlusFour is dedicated to the detail and when it comes to insurance products, detail is everything. They are not aligned to any company or with any product. They know the industry inside out.

Where to start?

Call (04) 570-2233 or 0800 MACKAY to find out how we can help – or email us at office@mackay.co.nz.

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